Animal Communication

Would You Like to Hear Your Pet's Thoughts and Feelings?

Animal communication is a fascinating and profound process based on telepathic contact between me and your pet. By tuning into their energy, either through a photo or by sitting directly in front of them, I can receive images, frequencies, words, and emotions that the animal wishes to convey. I am a certified animal communicator, and you can find more information about my training in the image below.

During an animal reading, anything can come up because each animal is a unique individual. Like us, animals have unique ways of expressing themselves and different things they consider important. Some animals are more verbal and communicative, while others might be more reserved, and that is perfectly normal. Since animals live in the present moment, most communications revolve around current mental and physical feelings. However, past experiences or traumas can occasionally surface, and I am there to help the animal process these emotions if needed.

Animals genuinely appreciate the opportunity to "speak their minds" and share their thoughts with their people. This can include things you might not be aware of or messages the animal wants to convey. It's not uncommon for animals to express themselves through beautiful declarations of love. Be prepared for deep and sensitive topics to arise during the session. I respect the animals and faithfully convey everything that comes through. It's important for you as the pet owner to listen attentively and consider the animal's desires carefully, as this can deepen and strengthen your relationship.

Please note that I am not a veterinarian and, therefore, cannot provide medical diagnoses. My role is to guide and assist you and your pet in the right direction. Medications and other factors may sometimes obscure the animal's natural energy state, making it essential to consult a veterinarian for physical issues.

My intention is to support you and your pet to the best of my ability so that both of you can feel well and thrive together. ♡

Price: 1,222 SEK ($120 and €111) Including VAT

What You Need to Provide:

  • A Photo: Please provide a recent photo where the animal's eyes are clearly visible. This is essential for me to effectively tune into the animal's energy.

  • Animal Details: Provide the animal's name, gender, age, and how long he/she has been with you. This information helps me connect with the right animal.

  • Additional Information (Optional): If there is a specific reason for seeking communication, such as a particular issue or questions you wish to ask the animal, feel free to include this. This information can guide the communication towards specific areas of interest.

What's Included in the Service:

  • Animal Communication and Healing: I will telepathically communicate with your pet and offer healing to enhance the animal's well-being.

  • Phone Consultation: After the communication session, we will have a phone call where we review the findings and discuss what emerged during the session.

  • Written Notes: I will compile and send detailed notes from the communication, providing you with a written summary of the insights gained. These will be sent to you approximately one week after our conversation.

  • Follow-Up: About a month after the initial session, I offer a brief follow-up consultation. This allows us to discuss any changes in your pet's behavior or emotional state and address any additional questions you may have.

    Payment can be made through Swedish Swish, Invoice, Bank transfer, or PayPal.
    To book a reading, contact me: or +46728893769 (iMessage/WhatsApp)

Why I have chosen to educate myself as an animal communicator

Animals and nature, can't get enough of it. To be a part of this is so amazing. Just look at all the pretty flowers. All these lovely colors growing everywhere. My heart breaks a little when I think about how we humans have drifted further and further away from everything else on this planet. It is almost as if we are humans against animals and nature. That's not how it should be.

Like telepathy, which actually all people can use and talk to animals with, but which is very rare today? It's not that easy to use telepathy for us humans today just because we've slipped so far from it feeling totally abnormal. All animals AND plants are also individuals, just like us humans. Yes, plants are living things too. All animals have completely different personalities, and they need and desire different things in life. We, humans, use telepathy every day without knowing between each other and animals. Have you ever thought about a person and all of a sudden they text you? Just right! Telepathy. Or maybe you notice that your animal knows what you mean without him/her being able to speak the human language? There we have it! The animals also scan our well-being constantly and know exactly how we feel or where we are in pain. You can't lie to them ;)

By communicating with animals, I can bring animals together with its humans more deeply. When I had my ferret read for the first time, I immediately felt how our bond became stronger. Then I felt that I understood him much more deeply. It's such a wonderful feeling. To finally hear your animal's thoughts and feelings! Many animals also have a great sense of humor and you get a good laugh. Some have incredibly great wisdom and come with tips both to me and you.

I do this to spread joy, love, and a greater understanding of Mother Earth.

In a perfect world, I would have done this for free.

The money is an energy transfer - for all the time and energy I put into contacting your animal.

Let all beings live in peace, together 

Just contact me if you have any questions!